Al Jaber Hotel

Al Jaber Hotel

Al-Jaber Hotel is a 4-star hotel in the city of Karbala, which is about 520 meters away from Imam Hussain's shrine. This means that Al-Jaber Hotel is very close to Imam Hussain's shrine and you can walk from the hotel to the two holy shrines in about 10 minutes. deliver This hotel has an A rank in the ranking of Karbala hotels, this rank means that Al-Jaber Hotel has a good position among the hotels of Karbala and is considered one of the high-level hotels of this city. Abundant services, numerous facilities, reasonable price and proximity to the shrine of Imam Hussein and shopping centers have made Al-Jaber Hotel one of the most popular hotels among pilgrims who travel to Karbala.

Facilities and features of Al Jaber Hotel

Great Services

Al-Jaber Hotel boasts 13 floors served by 5 elevators for convenient guest access. Enjoy delicious meals at their top-floor restaurant and a variety of amenities including free Wi-Fi, a grand lobby, prayer room, and 24/7 reception.


Professional Staff

Al-Jaber Hotel takes pride in its team of dedicated and professional staff. From the moment you step into our grand lobby, our friendly staff will ensure a warm and welcoming experience. Our team is highly trained to cater to your every need, offering attentive service with a smile.

Best Facilities

Al-Jaber Hotel caters to pilgrims with comfortable rooms featuring modern amenities like air conditioning, a choice of Iranian or Western-style toilets, TVs, and Phone. With a variety of room sizes including double, triple, & more, Al-Jaber offers the perfect accommodation for your pilgrimage.

Aljaber Hotel‎

Hotel Rooms

Ready to Book?

Reserve your room today and enjoy a comfortable and memorable pilgrimage experience at Al-Jaber Hotel.


The location of Jaber Karbala Hotel

Al-Jaber Hotel, Al-Barid Street, Karbala, Iraq

This hotel is located on Abbas Street, Al Barid Street, Karbala. In terms of access to the shrine, the distance of this hotel to the shrine of Seyyed al-Shohada (AS) is about 520 meters, and you can reach the holy shrine by walking for about 10 minutes. There are also other important places near this hotel, such as Kausar Commercial Complex, Karbala Pharmacy, Emerald Hotel, Al Qamar Hotel, etc.

Misbahulhoda Group is always trying to cooperate with the best hotels in Karbala and Najaf for the welfare of dear pilgrims, a better travel and pilgrimage experience for dear pilgrims. If you are planning to travel to Karbala with a tour, you can refer to its page on the website to get more information about Karbala tour, its time and price. You can also refer to the Karbala cheap tour page to find out about the price of our cheaper tours. Or contact our experts through our contact page.

Al Jaber Karbala Hotel Rules

In Al Jaber Hotel there are rules that must be observed by the hotel officials and passengers, including that the hotel rooms are handed over to the passengers at 14:00 and vacated at 12:00, pets are prohibited when entering Al Jaber Hotel. If the passenger cancels his reservation or does not come to the hotel after booking the room, a part of the paid amount will be deducted and the rest will be returned to him.

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